Volkswagen Golf 1974-2009

Image by Phil Kiel

Nice comparison showing the increasing size of a ‘compact car’ found over at Kitsune Noir as part of the desktop wallpaper project.


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One Response to “Volkswagen Golf 1974-2009” | Skip to comment form

  1. Theatre in the Nineties Says:

    […]“Volkswagen Golf 1974-2009″. Dock.jpg. Image by Phil Kiel. Nice comparison showing the increasing size of a ‘compact car’ found over at Kitsune Noir as part of the desktop wallpaper project. tags:auto … RSS feed for comments on this post. Benevolence theme by Theron Parlin. Syndicate entries using RSS and Comments (RSS). This theme contains valid XHTML and CSS. WPMU Theme pack by WPMU-DEV. […]

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Written by admin (contact).

It was written on July 23rd, 2009 at 11:04 am
Filed in the Category design, information, interesting

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