
January 14th, 2010 at 11:05 am. 0 comments.

American Pixels.jpg

Artist Jörg M. Colberg creates images that are compressed with a customized jpeg compression scheme.

ajpegis a new image compression algorithm where the focus is not on making its compression efficient but, rather, on making its result interesting.

ajpeg is intended to go the opposite way: Instead of creating an image artificially with the intent of making it look as photo-realistic as possible, it takes an image captured from life and transforms it into something that looks real and not real at the same time.

data to hang on the christmas tree

January 11th, 2010 at 3:42 pm. 0 comments.


Personalized custom christmas tree ornaments made by Really Interesting Group for their friends with each friend’s own social network data. Snowman’s head is number is Twitter followers, length of drips from cloud is Dopplr data, horizontal red bars for number of tracks scrobbled monthly on last.fm and the blue one shows the aperatures used on photos posted to flickr. Friends without data on a particular network got a 404.


Of course Really Interesting Group are the ones behind the excellent Newspaper Club.

More pictures and details over at russell davies: datadecs

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