biggest drawing in the world

May 27th, 2008 at 2:01 pm. 0 comments.

[UPDATE: It’s a hoax. ]Artist Erik Nordenankar placed a customized GPS into a travel case and gave it to the nice folks at the shipping company DHL along with some instructions. Upon its return 55 days later the GPS tracklog produced the above drawing. There is a video and of course some prior art at

what are you doing, you know, more generally

May 21st, 2008 at 1:09 pm. 0 comments.

my first post to dawdlr went up today. dawdlr is set up by one of the more interesting people around, Russell Davies who describes it as such:

I’ve tried to make dawdlr way slower than twitter. I reckon most people I know twitter about twice a day, so dawdlr is going to update twice a year. To try and get people to say what they’re doing, you know, more generally.

Its been over six months since I posted. I must have missed last Novembers posting by a few short days.

brand tags

May 9th, 2008 at 4:41 pm. 0 comments.

Noah Briar has launched a nice project using tags to define brands, where users enter the first word or phrase  that comes to mind that they associate with that brand. Once this grows further I can see it as a barometer for a brand’s identity and with some tweaks, such as selectable time frames, a great way to track peoples changing perceptions on a brands identity. The clean simple design is dominated by the perfect-for-this-application tag cloud that brings the most popular terms associated wit hte brand to the fore. Obviously Nike has got the swoosh associated with them in our collective mind.

Tag some brands over at


May 9th, 2008 at 2:16 pm. 0 comments.

The Big Word Project featured plain as the word of the day, which I recently bought for The Big Word Project seeks to redefine words by allowing users to purchase words, 1$ per letter, and link them to a url – simple. In addition to being a very interesting idea they had some very nice things to say about my work.

As we are all about the simplistic design here at The Big Word Project, is a shining testament to simple design. His navigation system on his homepage is really unique and his lack of unneccesary clutter allows his impressive work to speak for itself. It is quite appropriate that his site is the new definition of the word ‘Plain‘. Have a look through his projects and be inspired

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