no parking

September 18th, 2005 at 1:06 am. 0 comments.

no parking

Originally uploaded by seanaes.

john maeda has a column in business week

September 15th, 2005 at 12:36 pm. 0 comments.

maeda. writing about simplicity. business week this week.
from the first column

Design is, to some extent, about prioritizing the foreground experience, but providing a low-energy means of gently shifting focus to the background whenever the greater context of an activity might matter more than the activity itself. Once you have properly situated yourself, you’re free to get lost in the foreground experience again. What’s wrong with getting lost anyway?

being SAFE

September 13th, 2005 at 11:02 pm. 0 comments.

Safe: Design Takes On Risk
Exhibition at MoMA opening october 16th 2005
“Designers are trained to balance risk with protection and to mediate between disruptive change and normalcy; good design goes hand in hand with personal needs, providing protection and security without sacrificing innovation and invention. SAFE redirects the pursuit of beauty toward the appreciation of economy of function and technology.”


September 13th, 2005 at 3:23 pm. 0 comments.

Caterina Fake, cofounder of flickr explains why intuition is more important that basing decisions on data…

“I make my decisions almost entirely based on intuition. Data, as I see it, can be molded to fit any agenda, and is based only on the past. Most decisions will impact only the future. Data is a good slave, but a poor master.”

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