i’m in alaska

June 12th, 2005 at 9:14 pm. 0 comments.

i am curently in alaska, outside fairbanks in particular, staying with my friends dharmesh and cassie. we got big plans to visit denali and the brooks range, above the arctic circle. firstly the midnight sun thing is strangly eerie, it throws off my ny/nj ability to tell time by lookiung at the sun or a shadow or saying “its been ohh about so long since it got dark so it must be 10:00 PM” here in alaska, now, there is no “night” per se, but a long daytime and a dawn/dusk. i’ve slept weird the last two “nights”, not in the bad movie insomnia kind of way but not nearly like a baby. too many airplane vodka drinks on the way (i arrived, ahem, tipsy)or some time-zone circadian rythem issues. visit my flickr for some action shots.

damn heatwave

June 6th, 2005 at 10:46 pm. 0 comments.

its now summer-ish. time to sleep witht the windows open until it is unbearable and then open the wallet tot pay for putting the air conditioner in the window. sleeping with open windows allows you to listen tot the wonders or the night and early morning.
– garbage man talks on cell phone while collecting
– guy with shopping cart like my street for picking from garbage, particularly
– cars are loud

im sure there are others.

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