leapfrogging into the future

March 28th, 2005 at 12:37 pm. 0 comments.

after several weeks of determining what it is we care about as a class, and then writing it down, and then voting several times and then choosing one to work on, I will be writng a scenario that tells the story of the world in 2015 when semi-industrial nations have leapfrogged or are leapfrogging established industrial nations and become new leaders in the world of (pick one or many) technology, bio-tech, economics, manufacturing etc. the premise hangs on the fact that many established industrial nations are locked in to certain infrastructures that do not allow or encourage innovation or advancement because of the upset such innovation can or does cause to the status quo and those with a vested interest in keeping things the same or at least under their control.
some quick links regarding hte leapfrog concept:
The Institute for Economic Democracy
Peter Knight
Ken Rogoff
the idea while not new seems to be well documented and should inspire some very interesting stories about the future.

astor place cube goes missing.

March 8th, 2005 at 6:41 pm. 0 comments.


poetics of 3D ideas

March 7th, 2005 at 2:07 pm. 0 comments.

work on some art based work

  • david hockney – kyle has party scene working
  • hopper – lonely – jean-marc scenes
  • sofie calle following project – scene of city and camera follows a random person or so
  • robert smitson – narratives – monuments of the passaic
  • add earthworks to the USGS MAPS – DEM data – add interactive earthworks into the scenes
  • race scene – check out le mans – F1 race shots – multiple camera


    what kind of story am i trying to tell, what is the point of my story, is there a plot

  • a story about a city
  • the people in the city
  • the machines in the landscape
  • automata,

  • martin wattenberg

    March 2nd, 2005 at 6:09 pm. 0 comments.

    seduced by the beauty of shape of sound the ‘original’, market map and the just released and addicting name voyager. i skipped homework et cetera and went with theMatty to see martin wattenberg speak at parsons design+technology department.
    unlike the john maeda lecture of about 8 years ago that put me where i am today, i don’t forsee life changing events occuring from the attendance of this talk but i’ve been wrong before. i’m on record as saying seeing john maeda speak at princeton in , im guessing here, 1998, changed my thinking about computers and computing, design, art, architecture and the creative world. if it had been martin wattenberg speaking that day 7 +/- years ago, i am not sure i would be in the same place but it would still be stuck in my head.

    numbers are special

    March 2nd, 2005 at 6:08 pm. 0 comments.

    i like numbers but not before have i known what they all mean What’s Special About This Number?
    now i do.

    2 is the only even prime.
    4 is the smallest number of colors sufficient to color all planar maps.
    666 is a palindromic triangular number. (te-he)
    7532 has a square comprised of the digits 0-7


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