what we care about, as a class, Future of Infrastructure

January 31st, 2005 at 1:55 pm. 0 comments.

todays discussion was healvily centered on determining what our ‘question’ is. we are trying to find the question we want to ask about the year 2015. we are thinking about how 10 years from now be different, as today is diferent from 1995. we discussed the certainty or uncertainty of several events happening (acts of god, China breaking apart, US defaulting on tresury bonds), the continuation of different trends (global population rate change slowing, moores law, developing nations moving toward industialization, population movement). my hope is that we can come to more concensus’ and more quickly so that we can concentrate on getting the right question and start planning scenarios for it.

wikipedia entries for some of the topics and related topics discussed today:
World population and Over Population
Moores law

Thomas Crow at MoMA

January 31st, 2005 at 12:54 pm. 0 comments.

At the invitation of steve, the prelude to going out for drinks would be to attend a talk given by Thomas Crow, director of The Getty Reasearch institute at the Getty Center in LA. we preluded the talk with some drinks. Crow spoke on the topic of the museam as the subject of works of art.
Rothko – and other color field painters transformed the experience with a piece of art as one that one could enter into, and become enveloped by.
Michael Asher – the museum could be just the walls, without traditional content of painting etc. hanging on the walls the condition of the museum is called into question.
Chris Burden – destroying/exposing the institution literally with his Samson of 1985. And his project Exposing the Foundation of the Museum at the MOCA in LA the next year where he dug the floor out of the museum and the earth below down to the bottom of the foundations on which the museum sat and met earth.
Gorden Matta-Clark – the museum is not the ultimate goal for the work of art. Particularly in Conical Intersect set in / through a building planned to be razed in the construction of the nearly complete adjacent Pompediou Center, which addressed the 17th century rowhouse and more importantly its looming neighbor.

netex project ideas

January 29th, 2005 at 1:39 pm. 0 comments.

we now have the possibility of scanning and manipulating each pixel of a video image at realtime framerates. the possibility of getting into video image, and image processing or manipulating or decoding its meaning is exciting to me. it also is really cool.

the image is rendered as rows or columns based on the color of a random pixel in that row, or the pixel of a color based on certain criteria, possibly based rate of movement, or color intensity or someother parameter.
find outlines of images, rendering the outline in that color, or filling these containers with the said color
division of the screen to ‘zones’ that map pixel properties to distint zone. for instance the screen is divided into 3 vertical zones representing Red Green Blue and the zones alpha (or size etc.) changes based on the amount of each color in the image.

there are some more…..later

me vs. eclipse/java

January 25th, 2005 at 3:46 pm. 0 comments.

eclipse IDE = scary, especially to me as I was really happy with the processing environment. learning the java structure turns out to be easier than i thought and with some help from my friend i was able to bypass the struggle with getting QT from the isight into java through eclipse and all the required packages into all the right places.
now, after the second class it really seems like the really heavy lifting is done and we can concentrate on getting into the video and do, ‘cool shit’.

dynamic web development

January 25th, 2005 at 3:35 pm. 0 comments.

dynamic = created on the server. web = the cloud in the diagrams, using http. development = making stuff.
we’ll be making stuff LAMP style.
Linux server running
Apache using
MySQL for a database and
Perl for our scripting .
things in class are fast paced and punctuated with lots of “OK?” and “RIGHT?”. we’ll be learning things rapidly so we can concentrate on ‘making shit’.
dynamic web development syllabus

my friends are smarter than me

January 24th, 2005 at 2:00 pm. 0 comments.

found on we-make-money-not-art
Unusual Objects for Everyday Life an exhibition in Turin of work from students at Interaction Ivrea features my very good friend James and his haptic radio interfaces. He told me about his work on the radio dial that provided tactile feedback and the poetry of that idea has resonated with me. Im glad to see the related Feel the Music and Box of Sound which have such a nice sensitivity to the common radio experience.
james is not longer the king of bad ideas, or at least his good ideas are really beautiful.

what could happen? what do we want to happen?

January 24th, 2005 at 12:35 pm. 0 comments.

today we had the first meeting of Future of Infrastructure. the class started with the instructor/professor Art Kleiner asking us where phantom traffic jams come from. the traffic jams that appear seemingly for no reason and just as quickly dissipate. these traffic jams, think LA, are caused by tailgating, and the accordian effect of drivers reacting to what is happening in front of them. the system of highway traffic is basically unchangeable, because the required action to remedy the situation, slowing down and allowing more space in front of your car for reactions, invites other drivers to get in the space that you have left. you become the chump.

Scenario Planning


January 24th, 2005 at 12:37 am. 0 comments.

i am in some other places as well.

seanaes.com seansalmon.com
daydream blog
im real too…

hypertemps require patience

January 23rd, 2005 at 9:56 pm. 0 comments.

hypertemps really emphasize the unpredictability and ‘randomness’ of the ordered ‘perfect’ system of the computer. By overloading the processes available new images and organizations of the animated gifs arise and change. This glitch-art extends the processor art you see on the p5 and the aptly named glitch art.
from netdotart.com…

hypertemps are derived from short gif animations. these animations are then sliced into hundreds of smaller animations, loaded into an html document and viewed by you. due to browser inconsistencies and network deficiencies the pieces of the original image arrive out of sequence and a dynamic new image is created. i encourage viewers to view these pages with different browsers and to alter their browsing behavior to uncover the different image possibilites inherent within this system.

buying books for school

January 23rd, 2005 at 9:40 pm. 0 comments.

I tried to be smart and order some books for school before the first meeting of the class, alas the day after ordering the book that was listed on the previous syllabus I recieved a message from the bookstore that the actual required book, Inevitable Surprises for the class was in and was not the one I ordered.

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