netex project ideas
we now have the possibility of scanning and manipulating each pixel of a video image at realtime framerates. the possibility of getting into video image, and image processing or manipulating or decoding its meaning is exciting to me. it also is really cool.
the image is rendered as rows or columns based on the color of a random pixel in that row, or the pixel of a color based on certain criteria, possibly based rate of movement, or color intensity or someother parameter.
find outlines of images, rendering the outline in that color, or filling these containers with the said color
division of the screen to ‘zones’ that map pixel properties to distint zone. for instance the screen is divided into 3 vertical zones representing Red Green Blue and the zones alpha (or size etc.) changes based on the amount of each color in the image.
there are some more…..later
Written by admin (contact).
It was written on January 29th, 2005 at 1:39 pm
Filed in the Category orphan