hypertemps require patience

hypertemps really emphasize the unpredictability and ‘randomness’ of the ordered ‘perfect’ system of the computer. By overloading the processes available new images and organizations of the animated gifs arise and change. This glitch-art extends the processor art you see on the p5 and the aptly named glitch art.
from netdotart.com…

hypertemps are derived from short gif animations. these animations are then sliced into hundreds of smaller animations, loaded into an html document and viewed by you. due to browser inconsistencies and network deficiencies the pieces of the original image arrive out of sequence and a dynamic new image is created. i encourage viewers to view these pages with different browsers and to alter their browsing behavior to uncover the different image possibilites inherent within this system.

whereAmI next»

Post Meta Data

Written by admin (contact).

It was written on January 23rd, 2005 at 9:56 pm
Filed in the Category orphan

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