30 Day Flight

September 10th, 2009 at 10:42 am. 0 comments.

Dear jetBlue | The 30-day flight.jpg

Recently Jet Blue offered an All-You-Can-Jet pass for a month of unlimited flights. Its a fantastic idea, so great that it sold out early. Dustin Curtis and Alaska Miller took Jet Blue up on the offer and are visiting all 43 cities served by Jet Blue in the US, thats 90 flight segments. Why put oneself through this experience, which to be honest, will be painful at best?

In an airplane, hundreds of people with rich backgrounds and histories are crammed together for hours at a time. They have fascinating stories. We want to tell some of them. Our plan is to strike up conversations during our flights and see if maybe, after 30 days of constant flying, we can get a good understanding of the average jetBlue flier. We’re going to document our experiences at 30dayflight.com. We’d love for you to follow our adventure.

Follow dcurtis progress on the twitter for updates like

Wonder what the TSA guy was thinking when I couldn’t remember where I was going after 16 boarding passes fell out of my passport.

Good luck to these intrepid travelers and hope to watch things unfold on 30dayflight.com

Day 3_ In Progress | The 30-day flight.jpg

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