coffee by the week

August 25th, 2009 at 2:50 pm. 0 comments.

Coffee By Week, 2009.jpg

Coffee By Week chronicles a coffee enthusist’s coffee consumption through 2009, currently averaging 1.45 cups per day.

Coffee By Week is an ongoing project documenting my coffee consumption for the remainder of 2009. The aim is to throw a fresh perspective on, and discover patterns in, something that has become a routine, habitual part of every day.

lady gaga is architecture

August 12th, 2009 at 10:39 am. 0 comments.

Flavorwire » Blog Archive » More Than Just a Pokerface_ Lady Gaga as Architectural Cipher.jpg

Lady Gaga as architectural cipher includes comparisons to works by Zaha Hadid, Marcel Wanders and as above, Buckminister Fuller.

i do like these images

August 4th, 2009 at 6:15 pm. 0 comments.

FFFFOUND! | 101.jpg

i like these from here. I really really like. ♥

(via ffffound)

everything is full of radiation

August 4th, 2009 at 4:53 pm. 0 comments.

We have contaminated the atmosphere with trace amounts of radioactivity with detonations of atom bombs starting in 1945 and that contamination risks our ability to build sensors to detect this same, small amount of radiation.

All steel made since the detonation of the first atom bomb in 1945 has contained tiny amounts of radioactivity. This is because the atmosphere now contains trace amounts of radioactivity. The steelmaking process involves the use of large amounts of air, which transfers the radioactivity to the steel. Instruments and equipment used for measuring radioactivity must be free from extra background radiation, so post-1945 “new” steel cannot be used for these purposes. Instead, pre-1945 “clean” steel is used.

Salvaging WWII German U-Boats that were scuttled at Scapa Flow

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