astor place cube goes missing.

Posted March 8th, 2005 at 6:41 pm. There are 0 comments.


poetics of 3D ideas

Posted March 7th, 2005 at 2:07 pm. There are 0 comments.

work on some art based work

  • david hockney – kyle has party scene working
  • hopper – lonely – jean-marc scenes
  • sofie calle following project – scene of city and camera follows a random person or so
  • robert smitson – narratives – monuments of the passaic
  • add earthworks to the USGS MAPS – DEM data – add interactive earthworks into the scenes
  • race scene – check out le mans – F1 race shots – multiple camera


    what kind of story am i trying to tell, what is the point of my story, is there a plot

  • a story about a city
  • the people in the city
  • the machines in the landscape
  • automata,

  • martin wattenberg

    Posted March 2nd, 2005 at 6:09 pm. There are 0 comments.

    seduced by the beauty of shape of sound the ‘original’, market map and the just released and addicting name voyager. i skipped homework et cetera and went with theMatty to see martin wattenberg speak at parsons design+technology department.
    unlike the john maeda lecture of about 8 years ago that put me where i am today, i don’t forsee life changing events occuring from the attendance of this talk but i’ve been wrong before. i’m on record as saying seeing john maeda speak at princeton in , im guessing here, 1998, changed my thinking about computers and computing, design, art, architecture and the creative world. if it had been martin wattenberg speaking that day 7 +/- years ago, i am not sure i would be in the same place but it would still be stuck in my head.

    numbers are special

    Posted March 2nd, 2005 at 6:08 pm. There are 0 comments.

    i like numbers but not before have i known what they all mean What’s Special About This Number?
    now i do.

    2 is the only even prime.
    4 is the smallest number of colors sufficient to color all planar maps.
    666 is a palindromic triangular number. (te-he)
    7532 has a square comprised of the digits 0-7


    bad [PATH] luck coming

    Posted February 24th, 2005 at 1:39 am. There are 0 comments.

    the last four times i’ve walked down the stairs to a PATH station i’ve arrived at a train pulling in, or having just pulled into the station, and i’ve gotten on, without any waiting on the platform 1. this of couse called for a little, evaluating. the times this occurred, two times manhattan-bound around 10:15 and 8:45 and home-bound at 10:30 and 8:45 (AM and PM where they should be) and, the time between trains respectivly: every 4-5 minutes, every 10 minutes, every 15 minutes, and every 10 minutes. assuming that we give a one minute window of ‘catching’ your train when you walk into the station, in order my chances for ‘catching’ my train should have been: 1 in 4, 1 in 10, 1 in 15 and 1 in 10 (randomness being randomness i should ‘catch’ my train 25% of the time if it comes every 4 minutes) that puts my recent 4 for 4 streak at 1 in 1501 . normal joe office worker working 9:00 to 5:30 (that 30 min lunch being unpaid of course) living at my stop ( train times, 4-5 minutes in the morning, every 5 minutes in the evening), and working in lower-midtown-ish manhattan has a daily 1 in 10 chance that he/she will ‘score’ on their inbound and outbound trip in any one day. four times in row (two morings and two evenings) though would be 1 in 100. im not a statistician in the least, but i’m guessing that i’ll have plenty of twenty-nine minute late night waits in the near-near future 2.

    PATH Schedule (PDF)

    1 waiting on the platform allows sorting out of the ipod and beginning/choosing some reading of some sort, so it’s not all bad
    2 the twenty-nine minute wait occurs when you arrive to the train as it pulls out of the station late at night, leads to unwise sitting on the floor

    GPS, i am here

    Posted February 23rd, 2005 at 9:20 pm. There are 0 comments.

    for The Future of Infrastructure i have chosen to research the impact of gps (global positioning system) and other locative technologies and the habits that are changed or created by their widening adoption.

    what is the importance of the use of gps? how does it’s use change the habits of the users? what are the habit changing qualities, who’s habits are being changed, and how? where do those change fit in within the bigger picture? at what ‘place’ are the technologies now, and in the near future?

    mapping, automobiles, tracking, networks, trans and inter continental shipping, the surprises found elsewhere

    perl : not dynamic nor web develpoment yet

    Posted February 18th, 2005 at 2:41 am. There are 0 comments.

    im enjoying learning perl probably alot more than i should be. and we’ve just got into mysql, which brings me dangerously close to my unrealized and unfathomable love of m$ excel and database’y stuff. really i’m hoping for the best, to actually bring my site up to somethign close to dynamic and database driven. if im lucky i’ll obsess myself with the intricacies of perl and mysql and make some thing completely nerdtactular.
    linkage to the first three weeks:
    week 1, perl/html
    week 2, perl/logic
    week 3, mysql


    keeping a journal

    Posted February 18th, 2005 at 2:18 am. There are 0 comments.

    inspired from a post at i’ve spent a little time thinking about how to organzie my ideas. i’m supposed to be trading in my ideas, but i don’t really have a good way of keeping trak of them. i’ve been through the sketchbook, the moleskin notebook entering items into a PDA, emailing myself, tinkering with an ‘idea’ blog, text files on my laptop, random notes in the back of a book on the subway, or in a notebook during class. Almost everytime i’m writing or entering an idea into one of these forms i’m overcome with the anxiety that it’s getting lost, that the idea is not being filed in the ‘perfect’ filing system, and would thus be lost forever, and the world deprived of the greatness that could have been wrought upon it. maybe the best idea is actually writing / typing the idea down. usually it is nothing, an idea for a project that only has to ‘live’ for a few weeks at most, usually a day or three. but it is the act of writing it down that actualizes it in my brain, well i hope, at leat until i sort all this out.

    six of nine

    Posted February 15th, 2005 at 8:30 pm. There are 0 comments.

    i received my most recent PASS on an ARE exam yesterday. yay for me. three left and i get to call myself an architect


    Posted February 12th, 2005 at 7:06 pm. There are 0 comments.

    Manipulating contrast is one of the essential ingredients for all careful acts of art or design.

    – john maeda

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