martin wattenberg

seduced by the beauty of shape of sound the ‘original’, market map and the just released and addicting name voyager. i skipped homework et cetera and went with theMatty to see martin wattenberg speak at parsons design+technology department.
unlike the john maeda lecture of about 8 years ago that put me where i am today, i don’t forsee life changing events occuring from the attendance of this talk but i’ve been wrong before. i’m on record as saying seeing john maeda speak at princeton in , im guessing here, 1998, changed my thinking about computers and computing, design, art, architecture and the creative world. if it had been martin wattenberg speaking that day 7 +/- years ago, i am not sure i would be in the same place but it would still be stuck in my head.

«previously numbers are special

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Written by admin (contact).

It was written on March 2nd, 2005 at 6:09 pm
Filed in the Category orphan

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