there are 4 phone booths in NYC, this is one of them

West End Avenue and 101st street from Scouting New York. All four are on West End Avenue actually – at 101st, 100th, 90th and 66th.

Update: Infrastructurist points out several more in NYC, including one at 42nd and 5th as well as a lone phone booth on a Govenors Island pier.


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  1. DesignNotes by Michael Surtees » Blog Archive » Link Drop (7·10·09) Says:

    […] “there are 4 phone booths in NYC, this is one of them” If this fact is true that’s quite amazing. When I think about how NYC was shown in film many years ago before mobile phones were out, phone booths played a role in the set. How times change. […]

  2. Chris Cummings Says:

    I believe there is also still one on the mezzanine of the Rockefeller Center subway station.

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Written by admin (contact).

It was written on July 8th, 2009 at 11:28 pm
Filed in the Category interesting, urban

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