M45 – The Pleiades
Above a picture of the sky and stars submitted to the astronomy.net group on flickr. Astrometry.net will analyze the photo and return the below interesting information about the sky you have photographed. Seriously amazing pattern matching.
astrometry.net says:
Hello, this is the blind astrometry solver. Your results are:
(RA, Dec) center:(56.7751, 24.1559) degrees(RA, Dec) center (H:M:S, D:M:S):(03:47:6.024, +24:09:21.240)
Orientation:95.02 deg E of NPixel scale:1.96 arcsec/pixel
Parity:Reverse (“Left-handed”)
Field size :2.12 x 1.41 degreesYour field contains:
The star Celaeno (16Tau)
The star Electra (17Tau)
The star 18Tau
The star Taygeta (19Tau)
The star Sterope I (21Tau)
The star Merope (23Tau)
The star ηTau
The star Atlas (27Tau)
The star Pleione (28Tau)
NGC 1432 / Maia nebula
NGC 1435 / Merope nebula—–
If you would like to have other images solved, please submit them to the astrometry group.
Astrometry.net describes their project like this:
If you have astronomical imaging of the sky with celestial coordinates you do not know—or do not trust—then Astrometry.net is for you. Input an image and we’ll give you back astrometric calibration meta-data, plus lists of known objects falling inside the field of view.
The intersection of photography, data and crowdsourcing, with either the photography or the data or both will be an interesting space to watch.
tags:astronomy crowdsourced data photographyWritten by admin (contact).
It was written on November 10th, 2008 at 11:01 am
Filed in the Category art, culture, design, interesting, science