random color motion tracking
first attempt at creating something from live video using java. using dano’s pixel grabbing class as a starting point i set out to get some stripyness going on and seperate the foreground from the background. it uses a referance frame and then checks every pixel againsnt that referance frame and tests to see if it is different (in color particularly). if it is different it either gets painted the color of that stripe, or not painted, depending on which version you are looking at.
the discussion that followed me telling my original idea that i wasn’t able to code was extremly helpful and im working on it now. im hoping to seperate the the foreground from the background and modify the resolution based on the amount of change from the pervious frame. a still scene would show low res (large pixels) and moving objects would ‘shine through’ by becoming more ‘focused’ (smaller pixels)…well see how that goes.
more images after the jump
only drawing the chages in the frame as random stripes
drawing the background as stripes and the movement ie pixels that are changing as clear video
Written by admin (contact).
It was written on February 6th, 2005 at 2:16 pm
Filed in the Category orphan