
NoteSlate ___ intuitively simple monochrome paper alike tablet device.jpg

I want a noteslate, a simple paper like tablet for notes, sketches and drawing.


One Response to “noteslate” | Skip to comment form

  1. inktab team Says:

    Dear Editor,

    I think your readers would appreciate our new product the “InkTab.” We are currently in need of your support in order to make this project happens. The InkTab is a 21th century digital ink paper. Using an erasable screen and a pen. You can write on the screen like a normal piece of paper, and save it to your mobile computing devices(iPhone, iPad, and Android). You can also save up to 20,000 pages on the unit internal storage space, and then transfer it to your mobile computing devices afterward. The InkTab is also an energy saving and reduces the strain on the environment. I appreciated your time and consideration for what the InkTab project has to offer. So please help fund and support this project by letting your readers know about the InkTab project at “”

    inkTab team

Post Meta Data

Written by admin (contact).

It was written on February 8th, 2011 at 3:43 pm
Filed in the Category drawing, interesting, mobile

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