Practical Action has a slightly modified London tube map showing the impact of rising sea levels predicted for the the year 2100.
via bldgblog
Wonderful map + timeline showing most popular ‘tweets’ during the superbowl. You can look at all ‘tweets’ or seperate categories such as ads (Cash4Gold and GoDaddy being ones I personally contributed too, in as much as I thought they were aweful) or the ever useful emoticon map.
I printed my portrait on various maps. Then I started to orientate the maps following the lines on my face. On my arm I carried a satellite recorder (GPS) drawing the path that I walked.
Artist Antti Laitinen Walk the Line Project
The undersea cable that make up much of the long haul data transfer on the internets. This map from the Guardian details the incident where a cable was damaged by a ships anchored and internet traffic was significantly affected. Hacker Tourist’s may be interested in the story surrounding many of these cables as reflected by Neal Stephenson in Wired magazine a few years ago.
update: dropped in michael surtee’s weekley link drop on july 4 2008
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