Best Made Co. sells axes. The company, started in part by designer Peter Buchanan-Smith, offers 11 models of American crafted, designer axes.
Every high-rise condo, luxury office, executive suite, ranch house, and farmstead must have an axe in it. We know that axes shouldn’t only be in the hands of lumberjacks: anyone and everyone should have an axe in their name. Put it in your cubicle, give it to your niece as a graduation present, or your dad for father’s day, bring it to the company picnic, carry it to the door next time Jehovah’s Witness come, or just lean it up against your living room wall and admire. An axe is indispensable and sublime, the epitome of self-reliance and independence, a perfect design object, a timeless instrument.
I would like to direct your attention to an interview of industrial designer Alissia Melka-Teichroew by Michael Surtees over at designnotes. Really quite good. Alissia is the designer of the ring I gave to Doris when I asked her to marry me nearly two years ago.
My diamond rings… There wasn’t a “problem” with the existing ones. I just question the fact if people really still remember the original value (not the diamond, but the act of asking someone to marry you) that is not a problem I think, that I solved. It’s just one of many ways to look at it.
byamt website
@alissiamt on twitter
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