In the second proposal, Skynet — an extraterrestrial orbital satellite platform — finds QR codes in the landscape of earth. The QR codes embed stories and films that the satellites share with one another. Over time, as they see the same films over and over again and become bored — they begin to look for QR codes elsewhere, perhaps interpreting barcode-like structures in the landscape at different wavelengths — for instance an infrared folliage rendering may appear to contain QR codes. They seek out new films in this way, perhaps even instructing terrestrial machines, such as the cranes at loading docks or tractors in large farm fields, to construct new QR codes containing new cinema and stories.
Cranes writing stories embedded in QR codes for satellites will occupy my thoughts all day.
Eduardo Souto de Moura, the architect of one of my favorite buildings, Estádio Municipal de Braga, won the 2011 Pritzker Prize. Congratulations to him and his studio.
The All Nighter has simplified famous architects quite a bit. I love this.
Filip Dujardin, a Belgian photographer, makes both subtle and jarring architectural photo constructions. These digital assemblages made from photographs of real buildings taken near his home in Ghent, take the ordinary and make it implausible, and interesting.
I actually want to play at being an architect, instead of only recording the buildings of others.
via Kitsune Noir and File Magazine
Fiat Automobile’s Lingotto Factory in Turin Italy.
New York City of today isn’t exactly as we had imagined it. Through history there have been many possible futures that have gone unrealized. The Museum of the Phantom City presents these Architectural and Urban Design proposals as one moves through the city to the intended locations via an iPhone app that is available no in the app store. The Van Alen Institute is holding a walking tour on Sturday October 3rd, the day the full site launches.
Get the Museum of the Phantom City: Other Futures iPhone app
Lady Gaga as architectural cipher includes comparisons to works by Zaha Hadid, Marcel Wanders and as above, Buckminister Fuller.
Designed by: Mark Francis Tynan, William Hailiang Chen, and Shireen Hamdan
ResoNet employs Low-Fi techniques to visualise the resonance frequencies inherent in the natural environment, via the interaction of the public and surrounding elements detected by a LED net. and there is a blog chronicling it’s development, including some nice detail shots of the LED components.
Newark Gateways by Pentagram Architects to create a series of gateways to the city of Newark New Jersey. Painting a series of cartographic type symbols into the Newark streetsccape, in actual physical space, with the intention that they will eventually be incorporated into google earth & google maps satellite views. There are two very interesting ideas at play here – deliberate alteration of the physical environment to affect the display of its digital representation, and the cartographication of the physical space, placing the visual language of representation into the actual.
Map symbology has a long and storied history. The process of representing the three-dimensional world as flat and map-like requires a notational language. Our proposal places a new set of distinct symbols “on the map” by creating them for the Google Earth point of view. With paint and little else, Newark can define itself, celebrate its entry points, and address a global audience, all in one stroke. The painted “events” are visible and engaging on Google Earth, while the real locations would be signed with images from above that explain the colors and patterns on the ground.
In Architecture school I spent alot of time with one of these KOH-I-NOOR 5611 leadholders in my hand. Usually loaded with a 2H or 3H lead. Its all metal construction felt heavy in the hand and very very solid. I havn’t used one in years and I think I kind of miss it. You can check out a great collection of leadholders over at, a museum for leadholders.
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