return to the real

from our thinking about networks syllabus

After almost 30 years of assuming that virtuality is the logical endpoint of human use of networks, the real world is re-entering the picture, with services that emphasize or rely on physical proximity coming to the fore in various ways, exemplified by sites like MeetUp, dodgeball, and Flickr. What is driving the increasing overlap of the formerly distinct categories of virtual and real, and what are some likely future developments?

In groups of 4 (can’t find anything online, but i seem to remember that magic number being more like 3) we are to analyze how these social networks are connecting back to the real world and enabling real world interaction.

dodgeball | meetup | craigslist | upcoming | flickr

listed in the order of most connected to real world activity or locality to the least. i would interpret this to mean that the ‘most local’ network has the largest percentage of its service devoted to the fostering real world interaction while the least has, umm the least. Our group is looking at flickr and while it’s the least in terms of locality, there is plenty of real world interaction to investigate

Post Meta Data

Written by admin (contact).

It was written on November 10th, 2005 at 4:45 pm
Filed in the Category orphan

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